Stretch marks are common and can affect both men and women, however they are more frequent among women and usually occur at one’s thighs, buttock, lower back, chest, upper arm and knee. Although they rarely cause medical problems, stretch marks are considered a major aesthetic concern and may be distressing to some individuals. In this article,… View Article
Stretch marks are extremely common. Yet, those squiggly lines on your skin are never welcomed. While such forms of dermal scarring are not medically dangerous, it can be aesthetically unpleasant to patients, causing distress. Common occurrence of stretch marks includes the thigh, buttock, lower back, chest, upper arm and knee. Striae rubrae and striae albae… View Article
By Dr. Teo Wan Lin, Consultant Dermatologist at TWL Specialist Skin & Laser Centre What are stretch marks? What do they look like? A stretch mark, also known as “striae” look like streaks of skin over areas like the back, the thighs and arms. They are caused by tissue under your skin tearing from rapid… View Article