Pregnancy-Safe Skincare: Ingredients to Use and Those to Avoid

July 27, 2021
During pregnancy, women commonly experience many physiological changes, including changes in hormone levels, such as increases in androgen levels. This may result in acne development or worsening of acne, as well as an increase in hair growth. The safety of common skincare agents used for acne as well as bleaching creams and hair removal products… View Article

How to eliminate stretch marks

February 24, 2019
Stretch marks are extremely common. Yet, those squiggly lines on your skin are never welcomed. While such forms of dermal scarring are not medically dangerous, it can be aesthetically unpleasant to patients, causing distress. Common occurrence of stretch marks includes the thigh, buttock, lower back, chest, upper arm and knee. Striae rubrae and striae albae… View Article

Dermatologist’s Best Guide to Melasma

March 18, 2018
What is melasma? Melasma is an acquired skin problem of hyperpigmentation, frequently faced by women in their reproductive years. The condition is characterized by hyperpigmentation primarily on the face, so we may observe irregular brown or blue-grey macules on the face. Common areas where the brown patches appear are cheeks, nose, forehead, jaw and the chin…. View Article

Dermatologist’s Best Guide to Melasma Pigmentation

October 29, 2017
What is Melasma Pigmentation? Also known as the “mask of pregnancy”, Melasma pigmentation is the presence of either brown or grayish brown patches, that typically appears on both sides of the face, especially on cheeks, upper lip, nose, forehead or chin area. The excessive production of melanin from melasma causes the pigment in the affected… View Article