Is Skin-Picking Bad for Acne?

November 4, 2018
Anyone who has survived adolescence knows the feeling of seeing an ugly head of pus on the face and having the urge to press it out by skin-picking. Despite many commonly known warnings about the evils that befall those that pop pimples (the pimples will spread, grow infected and/or scar), few resist. However, there are… View Article

Stressing Out Can Aggravate Your Acne – Here’s How

October 22, 2018
Any acne google search will reveal links between acne breakouts and a variety of factors including cosmetics, spicy food, sunlight, chocolate, and even sweat. However, one less tangible factor that is often included but rarely explained is stress. Stress is truly a significant factor in acne. While it is unlikely to cause acne alone, it… View Article