Acne can form on your face when skin pores get clogged. Apart from making one feel insecure, acne can also be painful and leave stubborn scars and redness behind during the healing process. In this article, we will discuss the causes of acne scars and all you need to know about fractional CO2 laser for… View Article
They may be small, but we definitely do not want these small, pesky bumps around. Milia, sometimes called ‘milk spot’ or ‘oilseed, are tiny white bumps that are benign, but hard to remove. You may have attempted to squeeze it out, given that they can be cosmetically unappealing, but that would only worsen it. If… View Article
Our skin is the largest organ in the body, and the most visible. Yet, few of us really understand how it works. When searching the internet for causes and treatments of our skin conditions, for example, we often come across terms like ‘epidermis’ and ‘dermis’ that are literally Greek and hard to understand. As a result, it’s… View Article
By Dr. Teo Wan Lin, Consultant Dermatologist at TWL Specialist Skin & Laser Centre The evolution of beauty or aesthetic treatments seems to have reached its pinnacle in this millennia, since there appears to be a whole new branch of medicine dedicated to “aesthetic medicine”. The regulatory medical council of Singapore worked with dermatologists and… View Article
What is Laser Therapy Laser Therapy is the use of different invisible wavelengths of light to stimulate distinct layers of skin in order to rejuvenate and anti-age skin. Pigmented lesions can also be effectively removed with specific lasers that cause crusting and stimulate pigment cells (known as melanocytes) to disseminate. Who is Laser Therapy for?… View Article
By Dr. Teo Wan Lin, Consultant Dermatologist at TWL Specialist Skin & Laser Centre What are brown spots? Brown spots or pigmentation on the skin, are not all the same. A dermatologist will be able to diagnose accurately the cause of the condition after a thorough skin examination. Causes of brown spots can be due… View Article