A Singapore Dermatologist Talks: Enhancing Skin Absorption of Cosmeceuticals

August 21, 2019
by: Dr. Teo Wan Lin In my previous articles, I have talked about cosmeceuticals and the importance of incorporating them in our daily routines. However, how do we enhance the skin absorption of these cosmeceuticals? Here I will be talking about the limitations of topical formulations and how we can overcome them to ultimately achieve… View Article

Is Skin-Picking Bad for Acne?

November 4, 2018
Anyone who has survived adolescence knows the feeling of seeing an ugly head of pus on the face and having the urge to press it out by skin-picking. Despite many commonly known warnings about the evils that befall those that pop pimples (the pimples will spread, grow infected and/or scar), few resist. However, there are… View Article

Why Seeing a Dermatologist matters? 3 gripping questions answered

May 29, 2018
Seeing A Dermatologist – Who is Considered One? A dermatologist (skin specialist) is a qualified medical specialist who has obtained qualifications to specialise in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of skin, nail and hair diseases. Dermatologists are trained in cosmetic skin problems and aesthetic procedures. Only doctors listed as dermatologists by the Ministry of Health… View Article

Dermatologist’s Best Guide to Dermarolling

April 28, 2018
Dermarolling, also known as microneedling, has become popular in treating acne scars and it can be used safely in a dermatologist’s clinic by an accredited dermatologist, as a simple office-based procedure. It is a minimally invasive procedure that uses fine needles to puncture the epidermis to create micro wounds that stimulate the release of growth… View Article