by: Dr. Teo Wan Lin In my previous articles, I have talked about cosmeceuticals and the importance of incorporating them in our daily routines. However, how do we enhance the skin absorption of these cosmeceuticals? Here I will be talking about the limitations of topical formulations and how we can overcome them to ultimately achieve… View Article
Last year, June 2018, our very own Dr. Teo Wan Lin was invited by Lianhe Zaobao, a Chinese newspaper, to do an interview about the rise of DNA analysis in skincare. But before anything else, what exactly is this DNA analysis that many people want to incorporate with their skincare regime? For the information and… View Article
Are you wondering if it is necessary to incorporate a ‘wait time’ between each step of your skincare regime? Read on as we ask a dermatologist, Dr Teo Wan Lin, to find out. 1. Do you agree with the ‘waiting time’ skincare routine method? If so, why? If no, why? From a dermatologist’s perspective, a… View Article
Anyone who has survived adolescence knows the feeling of seeing an ugly head of pus on the face and having the urge to press it out by skin-picking. Despite many commonly known warnings about the evils that befall those that pop pimples (the pimples will spread, grow infected and/or scar), few resist. However, there are… View Article
Any detailed research you may have done about the skin would have returned you with the term ‘skin barrier’, or in scientific terms the ‘stratum corneum barrier’. You may be aware of how important the skin barrier’s function can affect the condition of the skin, but how exactly does the skin barrier work? Skin hydration… View Article
Seeing A Dermatologist – Who is Considered One? A dermatologist (skin specialist) is a qualified medical specialist who has obtained qualifications to specialise in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of skin, nail and hair diseases. Dermatologists are trained in cosmetic skin problems and aesthetic procedures. Only doctors listed as dermatologists by the Ministry of Health… View Article
Dermarolling, also known as microneedling, has become popular in treating acne scars and it can be used safely in a dermatologist’s clinic by an accredited dermatologist, as a simple office-based procedure. It is a minimally invasive procedure that uses fine needles to puncture the epidermis to create micro wounds that stimulate the release of growth… View Article
Most men are not interested in skincare, much less cosmeceuticals. That is skincare with medical or drug-like benefits to improve skin health. Cosmeceuticals have a more relevant function than coloured cosmetics. Mens skin has traditionally been a topic of lesser interest in skincare, as men generally only think of skincare as necessary when they face a… View Article
The outermost layer of the skin often serves as a physical barrier against harmful environmental toxins, as it is directly exposed to various pollution such as particulate matter and free radicals. As it is at immediate proximity to the external environment, the skin is at greater risk of being damaged by pollution stressors. It is… View Article
With Singapore’s humid weather, most of us fall back on body lotions and moisturizers to keep our skin smooth and hydrated all year round. Yet, faced with a multitude of choices for body moisturisers, we may never know where to begin – here are some quick tips to help guide the choice of body moisturisers…. View Article