By Dr. Teo Wan Lin, Consultant Dermatologist at TWL Specialist Skin & Laser Centre What is a chemical peel treatment? A chemical peel is a dermatological treatment method used to enhance the appearance of skin on the face, neck, and hands. A chemical solution (usually a weak acid) is then applied to the skin and… View Article
Whether you are a local, or an expat that lives in Singapore, one is struck by the stark weather of this equatorial city- constantly humid with temperatures rising above 30 degrees celsius. The cause of our sweaty pimply skin, simply put, Singapore’s weather causes bad skin-acne on the face, pimples on the chest and back…. View Article
Why do I get acne? Acne occurs when the oil glands under the skin, known as sebaceous glands, become clogged with sebum, an oily substance. This process is known as inflammation, and it is often genetically determined. Hence, if you have a family history of acne, you are at high risk. A normal amount of… View Article