Losing Fats according to a Singapore Dermatologist – The Body Beautiful Issue
January 12, 2017By Dr. Teo Wan Lin, Consultant Dermatologist at TWL Specialist Skin & Laser Centre

Are there non-invasive yet effective ways of losing stubborn fat? Lost weight but love-handles don’t seem to disappear? Fret not!
Body contouring machines, such as those using radiofrequency and vacuum suction are used in conjunction with cryolipolysis (fat freezing) are excellent non-invasive alternatives to liposuction for stubborn fat over certain areas like the abdomen and arms. At TWL Specialist Skin & Laser Centre, a holistic approach, in conjunction with correct diet and exercise forms the cornerstone for a successful, long term, sustainable weight management program for your ideal body type.
Can I get rid of the excess fat around my thighs and my waist?
Cryolipo freezing is a safer and non-invasive alternative to liposuction, as a body shaping device that uses cooling technology to eliminate fat without surgery.
It cools the fat cells selectively and removes them from the body by apoptosis process that is natural method of cell death.
How many treatments are needed?
It depends on the size of the candidate and also by thickness of the resistant layer.
What areas are most commonly treated?
Lower abdomen, flanks, love handles, bra bulges, back, thigh.
How long does it take to do treatment?
It takes 45-60 minutes per area and depending on the patient condition.
How is this safe?
Smart applicator technologies generate a vacuum and controlled temperature cooling and improved lymphatic drainage leading better results. Once cooling procedure is completed, fat cells are liberated into the lymphatic system and gradually eliminated by the body’s natural metabolic process.
The skin surface does not get damaged, but subcutaneous fat, which is more sensitive to cold freeze, begins to be destroyed.
When can we see good results?
Those fat cells destroyed by cooling are slowly metabolized by natural pathways of the body over a period of 6 to 12 weeks. Results can be seen from 20-90 days of post-treatment. As adjunct treatment, use an anti-cellulite body moisturizer such as the Multi-CERAM which contains potent bioactive plant seed oils.
© 2017 Dr Teo Wan Lin. All rights reserved.
Meet with Dr. Teo Wan Lin, accredited dermatologist at TWL Specialist Skin & Laser Centre for a thorough consultation and a full skin examination.
To book an appointment with Dr. Teo, call us at +65 6355 0522, or email appt@twlskin.com. Alternatively, you may fill up our contact form here.
Tags: Aesthetic Treatments, Beauty