Dermatologist’s Best Guide to Skin Resurfacing
February 9, 2018
What is skin resurfacing?
Regardless of the technique employed, skin resurfacing is a form of controlled, targeted injury to your skin. By stimulating your skin to heal from the injury, the new skin cells that form after would be smoother, tighter and more youthful. Skin resurfacing can be achieved through different techniques to treat different aspects of skin damage and conditions, mainly laser, dermabrasion and chemical peels.
Are you suitable for skin resurfacing?
These treatments can help skin that suffers from acne, damage from sun exposure, ageing effects, hyperpigmentation, scars and wrinkles. Any skin condition that you wish to treat likely has an appropriate treatment at your dermatologist, go for a professional diagnosis before having any skin resurfacing treatments done.
Chemical Peel
Before the peel, your face will be cleansed thoroughly to remove oil and to prep the skin for penetration. A gentle, medically formulated milk/fruit acid solution is applied, which removes the epidermis layer, allowing the acid to penetrate into the first layer of the dermis. Various acids can be used in different combinations to remove the surface layer of the skin. Note not all acids are the same nor are all chemical peels the same, best to have an accredited dermatologist assess and recommend the most suitable peel for your skin.
According to Dr Teo Wan Lin, an accredited dermatologist at TWL Specialist Skin and Laser Centre, she says: “A chemical peel removes the damaged epidermis to reveal a brighter complexion. You may experience a warm sensation after the chemical application, and stinging when the peel is removed. Depending on the concentration of acids used, you may need some time to recover before resuming activities.”
To smoothen scars and wrinkles, dermabrasion is a surgical technique that uses anesthesia and/or a freezing agent before smoothening skin surface irregularities. With a high-speed rotating brush, the surface layer of the skin will be removed till ideal results are obtained.
Laser Resurfacing
A wand is passed over your skin and emits a pulse of high-intensity light to damage the surface layers of the skin. The different invisible wavelengths of light stimulates various layers of skin for rejuvenation. Shield goggles will be provided to protect your eyes during the treatment.
Two types of lasers are commonly used in laser resurfacing: carbon dioxide and erbium. Both lasers work to vaporize damaged skin cells in the epidermis.
What can I expect after the treatment?
Follow-up care is essential to ensure a smooth progress for skin healing and resurfacing. Patients may experience uneven pigmentation of the skin at the treated area after the treatment, but this effect will subside when the skin restores its original level of pigment. Meanwhile, sunscreen is an absolute must to protect the skin as chemical peels along with other resurfacing treatments will render your skin temporarily more sensitive to the sun. At this stage, it is also imperative to use skincare catered for sensitive skin, which are dermatologist-tested, to mitigate risk of irritation and flare ups during the course of recovery post-treatment.
© 2017 TWL Specialist Skin and Laser Centre. All rights reserved.
Meet with Dr. Teo Wan Lin, an accredited dermatologist at TWL Specialist Skin & Laser Centre, for a thorough consultation to determine the most suitable treatment for your skin.
To book an appointment with Dr. Teo, call us at +65 6355 0522, or email Alternatively, you may fill up our contact form here.
Tags: Acne Scars, Aesthetic Treatments, Anti-Ageing, Chemical Peel